
We urge all who have means to have a closer look at the people with special needs in our society

All of them possess one or more kinds of disabilities. Most of them are disadvantaged. They have difficulties even to lead an independent life.

We care whether the people with special needs smile and laugh from their hearts

Loving Smiles Foundation Limited is founded by a group of individuals who care whether the people with special needs smile and laugh from their hearts. We believe that appropriate dental care solutions, embracing expertise, infra-structure and services, specific to their needs would give them a joyful life.

We can realize our belief only with your donation

We, therefore, appeal to your gifts to our Foundation, so that dental care ideas and worthy programmes targeted at the special people could get off the ground.

Teeth Cleaning Coupon Fund


Persons with special needs have difficulty in taking care of their own oral hygiene and must rely on caregivers to take care of their mouths. It takes the caregiver much persistence and hard work to maintain good oral hygiene for the person being cared for.

The Loving Smiles Foundation Limited has specially established this Teeth Cleaning Coupon Fund to reward caregivers who are committed to improving and maintaining the oral hygiene of persons with special needs.

Reward Method

To a case where the person with special needs is found to have significant oral hygiene improvement or maintained good over a period of at least 6 months contributed by his caregiver’s efforts, a Teeth Cleaning Coupon is rewarded for the caregiver / caree to use a free teeth cleaning service (dental check-up included) within the next two years.


  • • To encourage caregivers to keep up with their efforts in maintaining good oral hygiene for the persons with special needs;
  • To entice the person being cared for to cooperate for care by enjoying good oral care;
  • To provide constant rewards to achieve long-term benefits in the carees.

The Need

We take reference from the current subsidy for teeth cleaning under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme and set the price for a Teeth Cleaning Coupon (dental check-up included) at $500. We have 10,000 patients with special needs in our database. We estimate that we need to reward 10% of the cases each year, i.e. at least 1,000 coupons. Therefore, the annual donation required is at least $500,000.

Donation Method

Bank transfer

Direct transfer your gift to the Foundation bank account detailed below, then scan and send your pay-in slip to us through email at

Account Bank: Chong Hing Bank
Account Name: Loving Smiles Foundation Limited
Account No.: 249-10-1011416

Cheque payable

You can send a cheque payable to “Loving Smiles Foundation Limited” to our Foundation at the following address:Shops E13-15, G/F, Cho Yiu Centre, Cho Yiu Chuen, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong


You may enter the following FPS ID (email address) or directly use your mobile banking to scan the following QR code to effect your gift transfer. Then, take a screenshot of the transfer record, and email to us at


Gift of Cash

Bank transfer

Direct transfer your gift to the Foundation bank account detailed below, then scan and send your pay-in slip to us through email at

Account Bank: Chong Hing Bank
Account Name: Loving Smiles Foundation Limited
Account No.: 249-10-1011416

Cheque payable

You can send a cheque payable to “Loving Smiles Foundation Limited” to our Foundation at the following address:Shops E13-15, G/F, Cho Yiu Centre, Cho Yiu Chuen, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong


You may enter the following FPS ID (email address) or directly use your mobile banking to scan the following QR code to effect your gift transfer. Then, take a screenshot of the transfer record, and email to us at


Other Formats of Gift

Gift in Kind

We welcome the following instruments and equipment that remain serviceable, to be passed onto non-profit organizations to reduce the cost of their dental services, including:

  • Dental instrument in good working condition
  • Portable equipment that require no installation, purchased within 3 years and in good working condition

Gift of Service

We are seeking the services of volunteer dentists to work in the dental clinics, as part of our dental care team. Interested persons please contact us at 9086 8558 to find out more.

Gift that Provides Income

Gifts that can produce income are alternative means to raise funds, such as:

  • works of art and culture
  • dental practice with good will

Gift of Will

It is a common benevolent practice for philanthropists to make planned giving, including cash, jewelleries, life insurance, securities, or business profits.

Our Pledge

The Board of the Loving Smiles Foundation Limited pledges to commit your gifts to fulfill the vision and missions of the Foundation and to ensure cost-effective use of your gifts, transparency in gifts allocation and strong governance in our monitoring and control.

Givers’ Privileges

  • All gifts of cash over HK$100 will be awarded a receipt that is tax deductible in Hong Kong.
  • Those who donate HK$100,000 or above will become honorary board members of the Loving Smiles Foundation Limited.
  • Visits to the Foundation supported projects: We are committed to arrange visits to current projects that are supported by the Foundation for any giver of gifts to the Foundation.


For any enquiries regarding your giving or to find out how to pledge your planned gifts, please feel free to email at