Healthy Teeth Collaboration

We are one of the designated clinics to provide dental service for eligible adults with intellectual disability (PID) and/or with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) of the Healthy Teeth Collaboration Programme managed by the Department of Health.

  • Oral health promotion and education to caregivers of PID and/ASD
  • Annual dental checkup and preventive treatment for PID and/ASD
  • Dental treatment necessary for PID and/ASD by behavioral management, conscious sedation, MAC or general anaesthesia
  • Rehabilitation service including dentures where indicated for PID and/ASD
Service period:

16 July 2024 — 31 March 2027

Eligible PID and/ASD are:
  • Adults aged 18 or above; AND,
  • Hold one of the following documents certifying the disability category as "intellectual disability", "mental handicap" or "autism spectrum disability":
  1. a valid Registration Card for People with Disabilities issued by the Labour and Welfare Bureau; or
  2. a medical certificate issued by a doctor registered in Hong Kong; or
  3. a certificate issued by the person-in-charge of a rehabilitation service unit under the designated types of rehabilitation services.
Escort and transport subsidies:
Note: (Agreement period, covered from 16 July 2024 to 31 March 2027)
  • Escort subsidy per user: Actual expense with a cumulative ceiling of $5,800 per agreement period.
  • Transport subsidy per user: Actual expense with a cumulative ceiling of $5,000 per agreement period.
Booking / Enquiries:
  • Call 2370 2669 (at 9:00am to 6:00pm, Mon to Sat)
  • WhatsApp 5406 3928